Embedded ERP Drop Shipping M2 Edition
For every web merchant running a Drop Shipping business with one or more suppliers
Thanks to dropshipping, you will have to take care neither of the stock nor of the order shipping: The suppliers delivers the goods directly to your customers.
But other processes have to be maintained: Sending your orders to the supplier with customer packing slips, your supplier stock level has to be updated in real time and the best supplier has to be selected depending on prices and availabilities.
Embedded ERP Drop Shipping M2 Edition takes care of everything!
Further features are also included to improve the Drop Shipping suppliers management and your warehouse(s) procurements:
Automatic updating of supplier stocks and purchase prices
Sends the order automatically
Direct connexion to any ftp server to retrieve the files
Product matching per sku or supplier sku
Automatic updating of a dedicated warehouse with supplier stock
Import history
For more information , please contact us
The Drop Shipping Edition offer comprises the Embedded ERP and Drop Shipping modules with the following functionalities :

Advanced stock management
Stock and transfer tracking, multiple warehouse management, low stock alerts, barcode reading
Magento inventory management
Advanced procurement management
Supplier management, purchase prices, procurement, order management
Procurement management
Intelligent order preparation with barcodes
Order processing, inventory control, shipping labels
Order preparation
Drop shipping suppliers order management
Automatic supplier stock level and purchase price updating
Drop Shipping