Embedded ERP Barcode Edition M2
For every web merchant holding stock in one or more own warehouses
Delivery, order processing, shipping, stocktaking... All these processes are long and source of errors
Barcode creation, printing, management for each product
Managing your warehouse with barcodes offers a number of benefits :
Faster order supplier receipt and stock level updating
Optimised order processing during the picking phase
Allows you to organise quietly your stocktakings by location
Limits the risk of errors
Secures the stock movements
Information (stock level, location …) is displayed for each scanned product
For more information , please contact us
The ERP Barcode Edition offer comprises the Embedded ERP, Barcode Inventory and Barcode Label modules with the following functionalities:

Advanced stock management
Stock and transfer tracking, multiple warehouse management, low stock alerts, barcode reading
Magento inventory management
Advanced procurement management
Supplier management, purchase prices, procurement, order management
Procurement management
Intelligent order preparation with barcodes
Order processing, inventory control, shipping labels
Order preparation
Stock level updating via barcode scanning
Collection of stock or inventory control, restocking or order receipt
Barcode inventory
Barcode label creation and printing
Automatic barcode assignment, label printing, customizable labels
Label inventory