A full package to handle dropship orders with Embedded ERP
Using Magento DropShipping plugin for Embedded ERP provides in Magento every features needed to efficiently manage dropship orders :
- Supplier configuration : setup supplier database with all information (address, email, shipping fees, integration mode)
- Supplier / product catalog : select vendor's product, including multiple vendor for the same sku, configure vendor sku, quantity, supply delay and more
- Stock and price import : one shot or automatic supplier catalog import to update buying price and available quantities for sale
- A complete Dropship workflow : from a user friendly interface, easily handle the different exchanges with suppliers (see below for the list)
Handle drop ship processes
- Price request : send a price request to several suppliers to get the best offer and process dropship afterward
- Dropship request : not sure your supplier can handle your request or you have a doubt about the price : send a dropship request to your supplier with all required information to get a quote, and confirm or cancel it later
- Dropship confirm : once supplier accept your request, confirm it in the module, to follow progress status later
- Customer notification with tracking number : once supplier confirm the shipping, fill in the tracking number and inform your client by email
Designed for e-commerce
- Supports partial / multiple vendor per order
- Support multiple vendors per product
- Automatic stock / price download from FTP account
- Supports PDF & custom csv file for drop ship notification to supplier
- Easily track sales order / drop ship order association for efficient customer service
This plugins requires Embedded ERP, it will not work as standalone
Configure Vendors
Vendors, and products !
Using Embedded ERP and the Drop Shipping module together, you can easily maintain your supplier database with main information such as address and contact but also the vendor catalog : thus, you can associate every sku in your catalog to one or several suppliers and set stock levels, buying price and supplier sku :

Those association and information can be filled manually but you can also use csv file import to initialize and update them : Drop Shipping module is also able to automatically download vendor catalog from a FTP server to update stock and buying prices automatically :

Embedded ERP and DropShipping will use those information to change availability messages on your website depending of your vendors stock levels.
Customize order information for each vendor
Each vendor can have a different system to handle a Magento dropship request : some of them needs a PDF packing slip, others needs order information under XML format, others prefer CSV file, and other want both a PDF and a csv file.
To fit to every vendors requirements, DropShipping extension allows to customize the items you send to vendors when you process a new drop ship :

With the embedded export builder, you can easily construct a customize CSV export for vendors, using every information available for the product, the supplier and the order to dropship. If you need more customized export (specific xml or binary file), contact the support, they'll guide you to append any export type.
Dropship management center
A single screen to track drop ship orders
DropShip extension introduces a new screen dedicated to track dropship orders :

This new screen is designed to easily process new dropship orders but also to track dropship status for orders : it handles the following workflow, you are free to skip a step if you dont need them :

New orders
Dropshipping module is highly configurable to set conditions to select orders that can be drop shipped based on your stock level, suppliers stock levels, order status, product / supplier dropship enabled.... Once an order (or a part of the order) fullfill those requirements, the products are displayed in the control center to be processed.

You can then process the products using 3 available actions :
- Send a quote request to every suppliers to get the best deal
- Send a dropship request to your supplier
- Send the drop ship to your supplier if you know that he can handle your request (with previous phone call confirmation for example)
Quote request
When you have do dropship large quantities, or if you can dropship a product via several suppliers, you may want to do a quote request to every suppliers first, to optimize the cost. With the Drop Ship extension, you can do it with a single click : select the "Price request" action for the product and confirm : then it sends an email to every suppliers associated to the product to get a quote.
Once the request is sent, products are moved to the "Pending price response" tab for future reference : once you get the response from your supplier, you can select the best offer and process the dropship with the selected supplier

Dropship request
When you send a dropship request to a supplier, the extension sends an email to the supplier summarizing the product information in the email body : you can of course customize this email using Magento transactional emails to give your own identity to the email.
Depending of the settings, the email can contain additional attachments :
- Packing slip PDF for customer (the original magento packing slip, customized if you did it), this way the supplier can send the parcel with your own documents
- Purchase order PDF
- Csv OR Xml dropship information including customer address, order, shipment and products information, for automatic integration within your supplier ERP
Supplier confirmation
With this optional step, you can track drop ship request approved by your supplier : confirming supplier approval, you can correct the product prices, shipping fees and fill the purchase order number from your supplier. Once confirmed, the drop ship order goes in tab "Pending shipping confirmation".

Shipping confirmation & customer notification
When supplier confirm the order shipment to your customer, you can easily fill the parcel tracking number and notify customer about the shipment : it will send a regular magento shipment notification including tracking number.
At this step, DropShip module will also create shipment for order and toggle order status.
Sales and purchase
Dropship extension uses Embedded ERP purchasing features to associate a purchase order to every drop ship :
- When you create a new dropship, a purchase order with products is automatically created
- When you update PO reference, prices or shipping fees, the associated purchase order is automatically updated
- When you update drop ship status, Purchase Order status is also updated (new > pending supplier response > pending supplier confirmation > pending delivery > complete)
- When supplier confirms the shipment, purchase order delivery is created and PO status goes to complete
To ensure an efficient tracking, a new tab is available in sales order to view associated purchase order(s) :

Great Support when needed
by Azer Mahmood
These guys know their stuff. Their extensions are not your normal run of the mill - but complicated bits of software - it is the main reason why we use magneto. They offer excellent & friendly support - keep up the good work!