
Please Ask Us for PDF Customization
Customisation using our PDF Software
As you are probably aware customising Magento into a PDF is a difficult task, you can only do it programatically. Our Global PDF extension includes a layout system that allows you to design your PDF using xml templates . You do not need to be programmer, just simply use our friendly XML language to add a picture, text, borders to your invoice, packing slip, or credit memo. Our extension supports translations and Magento multi websites.

Our Global PDF extension Introduces new PDF options
In addition, global PDF introduces new PDF for magento :
- Cart PDF : customer can print a summary of his cart
- Order PDF : print a summary of an order
- Product PDF: print product sheets with pictures, prices, options, description and attribute values.
- It supports all product types (simple, configurable, bundle, grouped)

Generate a catalogue or brochure
Another interesting feature is the ability to generate a PDF brochure using your products: select either a few products or a particular category and then in one click you get a PDF containing your product description

Vraiment maléable
by Harold GIRARD
D'un premier abord, j'ai trouvé compliqué la prise en main du module. Mais j'ai vite intégré que l'outil permettait une personnalisation important, de plus le support à été présent pour répondre à mes questions. Avec Global PDF, je gère mes devis, factures, avoirs, BL ...
Pas mal
by Thibaud CAINNE
3 étoiles pour le produit: manque quelque fonctionnalités 5 pour le service client: super réactif Donc une moyenne de 4 ;)
by Sat Bhatti
Gave it four stars as it did not display custom attributes out of the box on my product PDF - had to pay another another 75euro to have this done. But software works well otherwise As for support i would give them 5/5. Support team are quick to respond and normally have issues resolved within the hour!
Great extension. Perfect support.
by Uwe Schmidt
We are using Magento 1.6. The extension fits our needs perfectly. As we first had some problems with our theme it turned out that the support of Boost my Shop is very fast and helpful. Thanks a lot!
Works as expected
by Claus Conrad
I am giving this 4 stars instead of 5 because the customization possibilities are constrained, since the Zend_Pdf object is never exposed by this module. But it works great for everything it promises. Best wishes, Claus
by Jerome BIGAND
Souplesse d'utilisation
by Thierry Guion
Le module offre toute la souplesse nécessaire à la mise en forme des documents. C'est sans soucis !
Great product
by Menne Kees Dijkstra
Simple installation and easy to change the pdf's by the xml files. Allows you to give customers and much better brand-experience then the standard (awfull) magento pdf's.
fort utile mais pas de panneau de config
by Morgan Alas
indispensable pour personnaliser ses pdf sous magento mais pas de panneau de config depuis le back office comme ce fut le cas avec (l'ancienne) extension smart pdf obligé de passer par le ftp et de bidouiller un peu
bonne extension mais ....
by Morgan Alas
il manque une interface de gestion sur le back office pour choisir le texte à afficher, les logos, la mise en page il faut passer par les fichiers xml donc très bien pour les initiés, moins bien pour ceux qui le sont moins smart pdf permettait de configurer les pdf via le back office magento, ce n'est pas le cas avec global pdf