Price Tracker Extension makes competitor price from Google Shopping directly visible in your Magento Back Office
This Extensions shows a new attribute 'Price Tracker' in your Catalogue > Manage Product screen in your Magento back end.
Price tracker can show you up to 5 competitors for each offer, classified from the lowest to the highest price.
Competitor Prices will be displayed with Product Price, Shipping and Total Price for each offer
Price tracker uses barcodes to match products – if there is no barcode available Price tracker cannot retrieve competitor prices.
A hyperlink allows you to see the source information

How does it Work
Price tracker uses powerful dedicated technology that retrieves competing prices for matching products from Google Shopping Channels across the world.

First, the product which is to be scanned is identified by the EAN/UPC code. Then Price Tracker identifies the corresponding products on the channels you have selected.
Pricing information is securely captured based on the frequency requested and sent to the shopify website through the price tracker webservice.
It is fast, reliable and doesn’t use any resources from you own server.
First Install:
- - Upload files on your magento server (using your favorite ftp / sftp tool)
- - Refresh magento caches
After Installation, Pop-Up Screen

- - Set up the EAN/UPC attribute you want to use with price tracker
- - Select the Google Shopping Channel (Country) you want to use
Go to System > Configuration > Catalog > Price Tracker
Login is by default your BoostmyShop Customer Account details
If needed the Secret Key can be retrieved from your Customer Account on BoostmyShop.com
Disactivate Price Tracker by selecting No on the Enable check list
Here the Barcode Attribute and Google Shopping Channel you wish to monitor can be changed
Select also the frequency with which Smart Price should retrieve Competitor Prices – You can select either daily/ weekly /monthly frequency
Display :
Select the Number of competitors you want to display, from 1 to 5. Prices will then be retrieved.
Sort Mode offers Sellers two sorting options
Products to watch
Select manually the products you wish to monitor
Exclude suspended and out of stock products if required

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